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Projects/CV Before 1990

Impression Year Local/International Partner organization Financing organization Tasks/Activities
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 1989-1990 Flag-nl-lgflag
CMC/Cebemo,Oegstgeest, The Netherlands
CMC/Cebemo, Oegstgeest, The Netherlands
Starting manuscript of books on Blood pressure apparatus and Sterilization
While living for one year in Ohno Machi and Fukuoka, Kyushu, Japan
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  1989 Nicosia, Cyprus; HMTS, Loitokitok, Kenya, Memisa/CMC Flag-nl-lgflag
Memisa, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Evaluation of educational institutes related to medical engineering for developing countries


Ghana, Duayaw Nkwanta Hospital: 1986. Servicing a good old HA3 Lister power plant at St. John of God Hospital, Duayaw Nkwanta, Brong-Ahafo Region, Ghana. With HES technicians: Sylvester Akparibo, Emmanuel Atubisah and?

1982-1989 Flag-gh-lgflag
Catholic Diocese of Kumasi, Ghana
CMC/Cebemo, Oegstgeest, The Netherlands
Hospital Engineering Services for the Mission Health Institutions in Ghana. Planning and establishment of maintenance structure for medical equipment and installations for mission hospitals in Ghana; performing wide range of actual repair and installations; in-service training courses for maintenance staff.
Initially for institutions of the Diocese of Kumasi, but as time passed for all members of CHAG (Christian Health Association of Ghana). Period: 01-02-1982 until 01-04-1989
Van Rijn BV, Maasdijk, The Netherlands
Flag-nl-lgflagORION, The Netherlands Practical training on installation, overhaul and repairs of Diesel Engines
As preparation for working as a medical equipment technician in Ghana
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 1982 Flag-nl-lgflag
NEMAS, Soest
ORION, The Netherlands
Theoretical training on X-Ray at Philips Best and practical training at NEMAS, Soest.
As preparation for working as a medical equipment technician in Ghana
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  1980 Flag-in-lgflag
Beatitudes Social Welfare Centre, India, Madras, Vyasarpadi
Period of 6 months: Assisting in care. Training basic electrical engineering to youth of Vyasarpadi city area
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 1978-1982 Flag-nl-lgflag
Bureau Ontwikkeling Automatisering Kadastrale Registratie (BOAKR), Heerlen The Netherlands
Data-entry specialist and management of computer systems. Land Registration Department of the Ministry of Housing and Physical Planning, The Netherlands
Period: 01-01-1078 until 11-01-1981
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 1976-1977 Flag-nl-lgflag
Dutch Army: 541 vbbd Cie. Communications Bataljon. Rank: Corporal
Operator Troposcatter Radiosystem
A period of relative peace
08-09-1976 until 28-10-1977
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 1971-1976 Flag-nl-lgflag
HTS (Higher Technical School) Venlo. The Netherlands. Department Electrical Engineering; Specialization: Computer engineering
Specialization: Computer engineering. Venlo was the first HTS offering computer engineering. Practical year:
1. Digital Equipment Corporation,
2. Sterrewacht Utrecht,
3. IBM, Uithoorn.
All in the Netherlands
Final year at IBM, Uithoorn, Testing methodology for new software.
Certificate: 11-7-1976
NL-BelfeldHuysBovee1969JanLeoWybeOpBrommer 1966-1970 Flag-nl-lgflag
MULO B, Reuver, The Netherlands
Time of unprecedented changes. Time of my first moped; the time of Easy Rider; of the Beatles and the Stones, the space flights. A revolution in religion, culture; of the whole society. Finished: 11-07-1970
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 1964-1965 Flag-nl-lgflag
Mill Hill Boarding school, Aldenghoor, Haelen, The Netherlands
The 6th year of primary school I spent here in Castle Aldenghoor, in Haelen, Limburg, under the caring wings of the Mill Hill Fathers.
NL-BelfeldHuysBovee1963KlasseFotoLagereSchoolKlas4-2 1960-1964 Flag-nl-lgflag
Lagere School St. Aloysius, Belfeld, The Netherlands


Gallery: Jordan Amman, 2008. Training sterilization


Projects/Activities/CV 1990-1999

Impression Year Local/ International Partner organization  Financing organization Tasks/Activities
MWI-LilongweMoH19991007PLAMAS2000Startupscreen 1998-1999 Flag-mi-lgflag
Ministry of Health, Lilongwe, Malawi
Physical Asset Management section.
European Union Developing, programming of asset management system for the PAM section of the Ministry of Health. Phase 1 and 2. Development is in MS/Access 97-Visual Basic; Initial modules: General facility data, Infrastructure, Inventory, Basic System manager
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 1999 Flag-sp-lgflag
Matachana, Barcelona, Spain
Matachana, Barcelona, Spain
Publication of book “Esterilización de Productos Sanitarios por Vapor, Volumen 1 – Teoría General
NL-BilthovenRIVM1999ResearchAutoclaveKSGLaboratoryTestEquipment  1999 Flag-nl-lgflag
Hogeschool Enschede, RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Research on improved sterilization process for manually operated sterilizers. Formulation of outline for concept for sterile supply for health services for low-income countries. The research period of 5 months resulted in an improved process, recommended for use in basic, manually operated sterilizers as commonly used for all types of loads in health facilities.
1997-1998 Flag-et-lgflagESTC/ESHE, Ethiopia  BASICS, USA Study on Rehabilitation of 500 Health Facilities in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region in Ethiopia. Involvement as associated consultant/software developer. Adapting the computerized Planning and Management System of Assets (PLAMAHS) to the requirements of Ethiopia.
K-MombasaMombasaPolytechnic19970912CourseSterilization 19971997-1998 Fag-ke-lgflag
Mombasa Polytechnic, Mombasa, Kenya
GTZ, Frankfurt, Germany
Course on sterilization technology at the Mombasa Polytechnic in Mombasa, Kenya. Compiling and presenting of the course within the scope of a training programme of medical technicians in East-Africa, supported by GTZ, Germany
1996-1998 Fag-ke-lgflag
MoH, Nairobi, Kenya
Group 5/African Development Bank
Study on Rehabilitation of 37 Health Facilities in the Central and Rift Valley Provinces of Kenya. Involvement as associated consultant/software developer. Design of modules for computerized system for Planning and Management for Assets in the Health Services (PLAMAHS). Analysis of survey data. Formulation of specifications for standard equipment. Preparation of tender documents for all medical equipment and furniture
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 1992 Flag-nl-lgflag
TOOL, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Publication of Textbook Blood Pressure Measuring equipment (Published by TOOL Amsterdam, 1992)
 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 1995 Flag-uk-lgflag
VSO, London, UK
Co-author of Care and Safe Use of Hospital Equipment (Published by VSO, London, 1995)
 CH-BaselBaslerMission19950630BookAGuideToPowerconditioningAndPowerBackupJanHuijsManuscriptCover 1997 Flag-sz-lgflag
Basler Mission, Bern, Switzerland
FAKT, Stuttagart, Germany
Author of A Guide to Power Management and Power Back-up
Cover of first edition of the book (1996) 1996 Flag-nl-lgflag
HEART Consultancy, European Society for Hospital Sterile Supply ESH
Author of Sterilization of Medical Supplies by Steam Volume 1 (Published by HEART Consultancy, 1996)
NL-AmsterdamTOOL19970212TOOLInformationSystemTSDBV2s0 1996-1997 Flag-nl-lgflag
TOOL, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Development and implementation of computerised resource information system for relations, publications, equipment and question and answer service. (TOOL Information Services. Based on MS/Access 2.0/Visual Basic
D-StuttgartFAKT19941001FAKTInformationSystemV4s1StartupScreen 1994-1996 Flag-gm-lgflag
FAKT, Stuttgart, Germany
Development and implementation of computerised information system for relations, publications, equipment and question and answer service. (FAKT, Stuttgart, Germany ). Based on MS/Access 2.0/Visual Basic
 NL-Eindhoven TU 11951001 WENS Onderzoek Kwaliteit Instrumentarium Emerging Economies 1994-1995 Flag-nl-lgflag
WENS, Eindhoven University. 05-1994 until 05-1995
Checking the quality of surgical instruments manufactured in emerging economies. Huibert en Christa
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 1995 Flag-tz-lgflag
Ndolage Hospital/Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT) Moshi, Tanzania
FAKT, Stuttgart, Germany
Energy management concept for Ndolage hospital. Compilation of integrated energy management concept with focus on planning of the renovation of their hydropower system. (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT)
D-AachenMISEREOR19940802CSSCDarEsSalaamTanzaniaTenderEvaluationOfSuppliers1-94 1994-1995 Flag-tz-lgflag
CSSC, Dar-Es-Salaam
MISEREOR, Aachen, Germany
Essential Medical equipment for 67 Church Hospitals /Dispensaries in Tanzania. Compilation of generic and procurement specifications for medical equipment in Tanzania. Evaluation of tenders
EAU-FortPortal19941119GTZEvaluationFortPortalWorkshopCSSDHospitalSterilizersWebecoKSG 1994
04-10 until 19-10-1994
Kaberole District/MoH, Kampala, Uganda
GTZ, Frankfurt, Germany
Evaluation of the activities of the FOrt Portal Regional Workshop. Findings and Recoomendations. In Context of Basic Health Services in Western Uganda
 NL-Eindhoven TU 19940419 Test Site Research Sterizer Process Webeco Model C End Presentation By Edwin Loenen  1994 WENS, Eindhoven University, The Netherlands. RIVM; FAKT Performance testing of single wall steam sterilizer (WEBECO Model C) with variaty of packaging materials. Focus on adequate aire removal by steam pulsing. Edwin Loenen;
D-Erlangen Webeco 1994 Manual For Webeco Model C With Kerosene Burner Drawing Cross section Flag-gm-lgflag
Webeco, Gemany
Creating operating manual for kerosene heated autoclave Webeco Model C
Logo 1994 Flag-nl-lgflag
HEART Consultancy
Establishment of HEART Consultancy: a consulting agency for technology in the health services in low-income countries
NL-Noordwijkerhout20021015ResearchDryHeatSterilizationInMemmertOvenWithDatashuttleKoppelaarZaanen 1992-1993 Flag-nl-lgflag
Haagse Hoogeschool, Mechanical Engineering.
Digital Colour
Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
Dry heat sterilization in developing countries. Measurements and recommendations. Herman Zaanen; Harmen Koppelaar. Finalized: 02-2003
D-Esslingen Clauss Jurgen 19930127 For FAKT Test Webeco Autclave With Kerosene Burner With Jurgen and HCTS technicians 1993
FAKT, Stutgart, Germany
FAKT, Stuttgart, Germany
Research on performance of Kerosene heated autoclave (Webeco Model C). Testing the high-capacity kerosene heated burner. Focus on air removal
Tests done in garage of Juergen Clauss’ home in Esslingen
 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 1992 Flag-nl-lgflag
Van Woudenberg Transport, Renkum, The Netherlands. Until 16-10-1992
Flag-nl-lgflagWerknet Uitzendbureau, Wageningen Creating a database model  for a general CRM;  based on DBase4
 NL-Wageningen Marin 19920330 OffShore Verwerking Test Design Mooring System 1992 Flag-nl-lgflag
Maritiem Research Instituut (MARIN), Wageningen The Netherlands.  Afd. Offshore verwerking. Technisch tekenaar.
Flag-nl-lgflagWerknet Uitzendbureau, Wageningen Assisting data processing of model tests and computer simulations of ships, submarines and off-shore installations
Period: 17-02-1992 until 10-07-1992


1991 Flag-et-lgflag
REST, Tigray, Ethiopia
Flag-nl-lgflagMEMISA, Rotterdam, The Neterlands Planning of Medical Engineering Services for the Northern part of Ethiopia. Inventory of medical equipment in use in Tigray; mapping of maintenance and repair activities, formulation of proposal for establishment of maintenance services for equipment and installations; developing a training programme for hospital maintenance technicians; formulation of proposal for standardisation of medical equipment. During the period of the visit the final siege of Addis Abbeba caused the fall of the Mengisto Regime
Period: 05-04-1991 until 30-09-1991. Resulted in manuscript: From a Fly to a lion. Not published
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 1990 Flag-ja-lgflag
Serve the Earth Association, Fukuoka, Japan
Member of Environmental activist group Serve the Earth Association, in Fukuoka. Was founding member and writer.