Impression |
Year(s) |
Local/International Partner organization |
Financing oganization |
Project/Activities |
5-12 until 11-12-2019 |

St. Benedict Hospital, Ndanda, Tanzania |

Erzabtei St. Ottilien, Germany |
Assessment of the sterilization department: findings and recommendations |
28-11 until 4-12-2019 |

Bugando Medical Centre, Mwanza, Tanzania |

Touch Foundation, USA |
Assist in assessment of the activities of the maintenance department; taking the sterilization department as a case |
2-11-2019 |

WFHSS, The Hague, The Netherlands |
After Jan’s presentation at WFHSS: A tribute to CSSD staff world wide! Based on Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door by Bob Dylan. With verses adapted to CSSSD staff! Together with Christina Fast, SPECT Foundation, Canada! |
2-11-2019 |

WFHSS, The Hague, The Netherlands |
Presentation: Putting some juice on your lectures and workshops on sterilization: A blend of methods. Also available as Article in journal Zentral Sterilisation 2019-4 |
31-10-2019 |

WFHSS, The Hague, The Netherlands; Meilleur, Japan |

Meilleur, Chiba, Japan |
Organizing workshop/brainstorm session on Validation, Parametric Release and the position of the Expert Sterile Medical Devices in Dutch Hospitals |
31-10-2019 |

WFHSS, The Hague, The Netherlands |
Assisting in initiating working group on Sterilization in health facilities in Low and Middle Income Countries |
31-10-2019 |

Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
Participants |
Facilitating excursion to CSSD of participants of WFHSS from Japan, China and Malaysia. |
28-10-2019 |
Ziekenhuis Gelderse Vallei, Ede, The Netherlands |
Participants |
Facilitating excursion to CSSD of particiants of WFHSSS from Japan, China and Malaysia, |

2019-08 |

Shanghai Honjo Medical, Shanghai, China |

Shanghai Honjo Medical, Shanghai, China |
Presentation of a 3-day workshop on sterilisation of medical supplies. With focus on
- steam sterilization
- legislation, standards, validation and Parametric Release related to steam sterilization
- Experiences of assisting hospitals setting up their sterilization departments in Ebola effected Liberia

Interster, Wormerveer, Nederland.
Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland SVN |
Presentation of the new edition of the Dutch version of book during the Annual Conference for CSSD staff (SVN-medewerkersdag) of the Dutch Sterilization Association, at Pathé, Ede. Uitreiking nieuwe boek aan auteur Jan Huijs |

Summa College Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Summa College Eindhoven, The Netherlands |
On Nov 13th the final lecture evening of the e-leaning program for staff of sterilization departments took place. 37 students subscribed, There were lectures on microbiology, cleaning and sterilization. Jan presented again the lecture on sterilization. |

Interster, Wormerveer, Nederland.
Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland SVN |

Interster, Wormerveer, Nederland. |
Compiling and publication of the fully updated, new edition of the Dutch version of the book: Sterilisatie van Medische Hulpmiddelen met Stoom. A With a new chapter on packaging systems (Sterile Barrier Systems: SBS) |
2018-07 |

Sabah Women and Children’s Hospital, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia |

Setia Medik Sdn Bhd, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Two-day workshop for CSSD Staff of the Sabah Women and Children’s Hospital, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia |
2018-07 |

The hospital of PPUKM: The national University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |

Setia Medik Sdn Bhd, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Two-day workshop for CSSD Staff at the hospital of PPUKM: The national University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
2018-07 |

Hospital Sultanah Aminah , Johor Bahru, Malaysia |

Setia Medik Sdn Bhd, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Two-day workshop for CSSD Staff at the Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia |
2018-06 |

Meilleur Co., Ltd. ミュール, Yachiyo-shi, Japan |

Meilleur Co., Ltd. ミュール, Yachiyo-shi, Japan |
Presenting Micro seminars on steam sterilization to CSSD staff of hospitals Sapporo, Asahikawa and Hakodate on the island of Hokkaido, Japan. Excursion visits to hospitals in these cities. |
2018-06 |

Meilleur Co., Ltd. ミュール, Yachiyo-shi, Japan |

Meilleur Co., Ltd. ミュール, Yachiyo-shi, Japan |
Presenting workshop on steam sterilization to CSSD staff of hospitals Hokkaido in the city of Sapporo, in Japan |
2018-03 |

St. Martin de Porres Hospital, Eikwe, Ghana |

Medical Mission Institute, Wuerzburg, Germany |
Assisting repair and maintenance of sterilization equipment. Assessment of sterile supply cycle. Training of staff on sterile supply. |
2017-12 |

Meilleur Co., Ltd. ミュール, Yachiyo-shi, Japan |

Meilleur Co., Ltd. ミュール, Yachiyo-shi, Japan |
Presenting workshops on steam sterilization to CSSD staff of hospitals in several cities in Japan: Osaka, Kobe, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi and Fukuoka |
2017-11-21 |

Summa College Eindhoven, The Netherlands |
Summa College Eindhoven, The Netherlands |
On Nov 21st the final lecture evening of the sixth edition an e-leaning program for staff of sterilization departments the Summa College in Eindhoven in the Netherlands took place. The final evening for the 30 students that subscribed, took place on site. There were lectures on microbiology, cleaning and sterilization. Jan presented the lecture on sterilization |
2017-11 |

Serabu Community Hospital, Serabu, Sierra Leone |

German Doctors, Bonn, Germany |
Repair and maintenance of sterilization equipment; training of CSSD staff. Evaluation of CSSD-operations; Evaluation of equipment in operating theatre |
2017-10-26 |

Admiraal De Ruyter Ziekenhuis, Goes, The Netherlands |
Summa College Eindhoven, The Netherlands |
On Oct 26th the final lecture evening of the fith edition an e-leaning program for staff of sterilization departments the Admiraal de Ruijter Ziekenhuis in Goes in the Netherlands took place. The final evening for the 30 students that subscribed, took place on site. There were lectures on microbiology, cleaning and sterilization. Jan presented the lecture on sterilization |
2017-10 |

Kuala Lumpur, Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |

Setia Medik Sdn Bhd, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Training of CSSD Staff in Kuala Lumpur Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
2017-10 |

Sarawak General Hospital Kuching, Sarawak |

Setia Medik Sdn Bhd, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Training of CSSD Staff of Sarawak General Hospital in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia |
2017-05-12 |

Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam |
Summa College Eindhoven, The Netherlands |
On May 12th the final lecture evening of the forth edition an e-leaning program for staff of sterilization departments the Rotterdam Medical Centre in the Netherlands took place. The final evening for the 37 students that subscribed, took place on site in the Hospital in Rotterdam. There were lectures on microbiology, cleaning and sterilization. Jan presented the lecture on sterilization |
2017-04-11 |

Summa College Eindhoven, The Netherlands |
On April 11th the final lecture evening of the third edition an e-leaning program for staff of sterilization departments of hospitals in the Netherlands took place. The final evening for the 39 students that subscribed, took again place at the Summa college in Eindhoven. There were lectures on microbiology, cleaning and sterilization. Jan presented the lecture on sterilization |
2017-03-20 |

ISALA Ziekenhuis, Zwolle, The Netherlands |
Clinical lesson for CSSD Staff: Steam sterilization |
2016-2017 |

SVN/Interster International, Wormerveer, The Netherlands |
Compiling new chapter on Sterilization packaging systems (SBS: sterile Barrier Systems) for the book Sterilization of medical Supplies by Steam. The chapter will be added to the new version of the various editions the book. |
Oct |
Australia |
The 17th WFHSS (World Forum for Hospital Sterilization Sciences) took place on Oct 25th until Oct 29th in Brisbane, Australia. On Saturday, October 2th Jan could do a presentation on his expierences in Liberia: The aftermath of the Ebola crisis. Hospitals in Liberia preparing for the post Ebola challenge. Click here to download the presentation.
For a report (Dutch) click here. |
7 nov |

Summa College Eindhoven, The Netherlands |
Summa College; Eindhoven. participants |
On November 7th the final lecture evening of the second edition an e-leaning program for staff of sterilization departments of hospitals in the Netherlands took place. The final evening for the 33 students that subscribed, took again place at the Summa college in Eindhoven. There were lectures on microbiology, cleaning and sterilization. Jan presented the lecture on sterilization |
2016; 23-24 Sept |
JIFS/Journées Internationales Francophone de la Stérilisation, Bruxelles; organized by Aster (Association de Stérilisation Francophone, Belgium) |

MHP Verlag, Germany

SF2S Societé Francaise des Sciences de la Stérilisation/ financing through sales of book |
Launch of the French version of the book 2nd edition of the french version of book Stérilization des Dispositifs Médicaux par la vapeur during the Journées Internationales Francophone de la Stérilisation. The book is published through MHP Verlag, Germany and can be ordered through their Website |
21 April |
Wageningen University and Research
Guest lecturer at WUR (Wageningen University and Research). Presentation: “Facing The Standards Gap“, in the context of the curriculum on Global Health for bachelor students of Health and Society |
2016 |

WebCare, Wageningen, The Netherlands |

HEART Consultancy |
Update of website of HEART consultancy using WordPress
After 15 years the time was ripe to finally upgrade our website |
2016 |

HAN, Arnhem
Consortium SteriTao:
Reqcare, Nijmegen
Tevel Techniek, Westervoort
Kleinmechaniek, Westervoort |
Partly funded through
 Europees Fonds Voor Regionale Ontwikkeling |
Initiative for development of autoclaclave suitable for use in resource poor locations; with focus on basic technology with minimum use of electronic control. |
2014-2016 |

Summa College Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Financing through fees of participants |
Setup of a pilot e-learning modules for staff on sterilisation of medical supplies. on the new SteriAk platform. Providing text material based on Jan’s book. The first version for the training took place between March 31st and April 5th 2016 with a final practical evening on april 5th at the Summa college in Eindhoven. |
2016 |

MSF Médecins Sans Frontiers Espace Bruno Corbé EBC, Brussels, Belgium |
Assisting in the design/testing of a new autoclave for use in the MSF larger health facilities |
2016 |

Interster International, Wormerveer, The Netherlands |
Contribution to Interster academy Education day: Crash course steam sterilization |
2015 |

Oisterwijk, The Netherlands |
Establishment of SteriAk as Virtual educational platform on Sterilization of medical supplies. Objectives are to offer e-learning/blended learning training for staff of CSSD in collaboration with vocational training centres (ROC). Established with approval of the Dutch Sterilization Association SVN |
2014-2016 |

AFS: Association Française de la Stérilisation, France |

MHP Verlag, Germany

AFS: Association Française de la Stérilisation/financing through sales of book |
Preparation editing and publication of 2nd edition of the french version of book Stérilization des Dispositifs Médicaux par la vapeur with new chapter on cleaning. Planned date for publication: Sept 2016 |
2015 |

St. Mary’s Children and Community Hospital, Umuowa, Imo State, Nigeria

Medical mission Institute, Wuerzburg, Germany |

Die Sternsinger/Kinder Missionswerk, Germany |
Upgrading of the sterilization department. Training of CSSD Staff and technicians |
2015 |

Getinge, Tokyo, Japan
Meilleur Co., Ltd. ミュール, Yachiyo-shi, Japan |

Getinge, Tokyo, Japan
Meilleur Co., Ltd. ミュール, Yachiyo-shi, Japan |
Japan tour: Presentations on sterile supply in Tokyo, Osaka, Oita and Miyazaki |
2014-2016 |

Antonio Matachana S.A., Barcelona, Spain |

Antonio Matachana S.A., Barcelona, Spain

MHP Verlag; Germany financing through sales of book |
Compiling, editing and publication of Second edition of Spanish version of book Esterilización de Productos Sanitarios.
with new chapter on cleaning.
Available in June 2016 |
2014-2015 |

St. Josephs Hospital, Monrovia, Liberia |

Missionsärztliches Institut; Medical Mission Institute Wuerzburg, Germany |
Upgrading of sterile supply department.
– Redesigning of the department
– Installation of 2 new sterilizers
– Repair of old sterilizer
– Training of CSSD staff and technicians. |
2014-2015 |

JF Kennedy Medical Centre, Maternity Hospital, Monrovia, Liberia |

DRK Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, German Red Cross, Berlin, Germany |
Repair and recommissioning of sterilization equipment. Training of staff |
2014 |

Medical Mission Institute, Wuerzburg
German Red Cross |

Medical Mission Institute, Wuerzburg |
Attending the Ebola Preparedness training at the Fire Fighting School (Feuerwehrschule) in Wuerzburg. As a preparation for the visit to Liberia in November for assisting St. Jospeph’s Hospital and the JFK Medical Centre for upgrading their Sterilization department. |
2014 |

Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland SVN |
Jan became honorary member of Sterilisatieverening Nederland SVN (the Dutch Sterilization Association) |
2014 |

Romel Palacpac, Manila, Philippines
HPI Health Partners International, Lewes, United Kingdom |

HPI Health Partners International, Lewes, United Kingdom |
Adapting the PLAMAHS asset management function to synchronize with an SQL database. Handing over of PLAMAHS database system work to Mr. Romel Palac Pack, associate programmer. Support transition to web-based version of initial components of the PLAMAHS system. Visit to Philippines: 08-04-2014 until 25-05-2014. See travel story: Another glimpse of Paradise |
2013-2014 |
MoH, Kano, Nigeria |

HPI Health Partners International, Lewes
Creation of a new module for software for Planning and Management of Assets in the Health Service (PLAMAHS)
– Procurement and logistics support |
2011-20112 |
Tegucigalpa, MoH Honduras |
Engineering World Health, Durham, USA

HPI Lewes, UK |
Creation of a Spanish version of the PLAMAHS Asset management software |
2011-2014 |

Norsk Forening for Sterilforsyning. NFS, Oslo, Norway |
Norsk Forening for Sterilforsyning. NFS; financing through sales of book |
Preparation editing and publication of Norwegian version of book Sterilization of Medical Supplies by Steam with new chapter on cleaning |
2012 |

Serabu Catholic Hospital, Caritas Freetown, Sierra Leone |

German Doctors,
Bonn, Germany |
Installation of and commissioning sterilization equipment; training of staff (users and technicians); starting-up of new CSSD for Serabu Hospital, Serabu, Sierra Leone |
2011 |

Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland SVN |
Jan received the Jack van Asten Award 2011 |
2011-2013 |

DGM Moscow, Russia
MHP-Verlag, Germany |

DGM Moscow, Russia

MHP Verlag, Germany |
Preparation editing and publication of Russian version of book Sterilization of Medical Supplies by Steam.
Стерилизация паром медицинских изделий. Общая теория.
with new chapter on cleaning
Article: Steriliseren op zijn Russisch
Travel Report: From Russia with love |
2011-2012 |
MoH, Kano, Nigeria
HPI Health Partners International, Lewes, UK |

HPI Health Partners International, UK |
Production of 3 educational videos on Sterilization of Medical supplies.
1: General introduction to sterile supplies;
2 and 3: Videos on operation of and care for sterilizers as used in the project.
– Writing script
– Assistance during takes
– Assistance making graphics/simulations
– Final check of texts |
2010-2012 |

Meilleur Co., Ltd. ミュール, Japan
Nakayama publishers,
中山書店 Tokyo, Japan. |

Meilleur Co., Ltd. ミュール, Japan |
Preparation editing and publication of Japanese version of book Sterilization of Medical Supplies by Steam with new chapter on cleaning |
2011 |

Interster International, Wormerveer,
The Netherlands |

Interster International, Wormerveer,
The Netherlands |
Publication of second Dutch edition of book “Sterilisatie van Medische Hulpmiddelen met Stoom, Deel 1 – Algemene Theorie” with new extensive chapter on cleaning |
2010 |

Sector Program Health and Family Planning
MoHP, Kathmandu Nepal |

KfW, Germany

HPI, Health Partners International, Lewes, UK |
Extending the module for maintenance support for software for Planning and Management of Assets in the Health Service (PLAMAHS)
Tailoring the medical equipment maintenance support module to the specific requirements for monitoring the maintenance activities within the PPP. |
2010 |
MoH, Kano, Nigeria |

HPI Health Partners International, Lewes;
Creation of a new modules for software for Planning and Management of Assets in the Health Service (PLAMAHS). Quick Monitoring and Evaluation of equipment, buildings and infrastructure |
2011 |
MoH, Kano, Nigeria |

HPI Health Partners International, Lewes,
Training of users and technicians of medical equipment engineers and technicians on equipment supplied through the PRRINN/MNCH program |
2010 |

MHP Verlag, Germany |

MHP Verlag, Germany |
Final editing and publication of 3rd revised edition of the book Sterilization of Medical Supplies by Steam Volume 1 |
2010 |

MSUD (Central Sterilization Units Society of Turkey)/ EFHSS |

MSUD (Central Sterilization Units Society of Turkey) |