Articles: on Sterilization by Jan


Journal cover/photo Journal name
/ Date / Issue
Title Co/Authors Language

DesinfectieCast, Recorded 13-02-2024. Duration: 38 min 52 sec via Deltion College, Zwolle

Podcast: Steriliseren in Ontwikkelingslanden.

Het is de derde van een nieuwe Podcast (Sinds Januari 2023) rondom het thema Sterilisatie van Medische Hulpmiddelen.
Gepubliceerd op Spotify.

Podcast: Sterilization of medical supplies in developing countries. The interview is in the Dutch language. Published on Spotify.
It is the third of a new Podcast (Since January 2024) around the theme: Sterilization of Medical Supplies

Interviewer: Martijn Gerritsen- Terbrugge, docent bij opleiding MSMH Flag-nl-lgflag
ZentralSterilization Vol 32 1 2024 Also in Cameroon: the kick of knowledge. Experience report on training in Mbouo, Cameroon Flag-uk-lgflag
ZentralSterilization Vol 32 1 2024 Auch in Kamerun: Wissen als “Kick”. Erfahrungsbericht zu einem Ausbildungskurs fuer AEMP-Mitarbeiter in Mbouo, Kamerun. Flag-gm-lgflag
Parametric Release 2023 Dec Nr 74
Ook in Kameroen: de kick van kennis en witte olifanten Flag-nl-lgflag
Aseptica 2020-3 Nr 26

Looking back at WFHSS Congress 2019: Need for training – an initiative in Tanzania.

Rückblick WFHSS-Kongress 2019: Bedarf an Ausbildung – eine Initiative in Tansania.

German Translation: Luanda Schlegl, EBRO, Germany



Matachana Magazine
English edition.
No 07-2020/2021
How to bring some juice in your lectures on sterile supply: Make it visible!
Teaching aids for education.
Matachana Magazine
Edición Español.
No 07-2020/2021
Cómo sacarles provecho a tus seminarios sobre esterilización. ¡Hazle visible!
Algunas ayudas didácticas
Translation by
Matachana Magazine
Édition Française
No 07-2020/2021
Comment tirer profit de vos séminaires sur la stérilisation : gagnez en visibilite!
Quelques aides didactiques
Translation by
Zentral Sterilisation
2020-05 Vol 28. p246-p249
Ausbildung ist wichtig: Eine Initiative in Tanzania Translation by
Zentral Sterilisation
2020-05 Vol 28. p278-p281
Need for Education: An initiative in Tanzania Flag-uk-lgflag
Parametric Release
2020-2 Nr 67. p14-16
Terugblik op WFHSS 2019. Urgentie van educatie: Een initiatief in Tanzania! Flag-nl-lgflag
Zentral Sterilization. 2019-4 Vol 27. p250 How to bring some juice into your lectures on sterile supply: teaching aids for education. Flag-uk-lgflag
Parametric Release
2019-2 Nr 64.
Lessen over stoomsterilisatie onder stoom. Maak het zichtbaar: Hulpmiddelen tijdens de lessen. Flag-nl-lgflag
Aseptica 2018-1 Neuen Schwung in die Schulungen über Sterilgutversorgung bringen: Lehrhilfe zur Dampfsterilisation: Das Dampfsterilisationskit. Luanda Schlegl (translation to German) Flag-gm-lgflag
Aseptica 2018-4 Neuen Schwung in die Schulungen über Sterilgutversorgung bringen: Lehrmittel für die Ausbildung Luanda Schlegl (translation to German) Flag-gm-lgflag
Parametric Release 2018-2 Nr 62
Sterilisatievereniging Nederland SVN
Praktijklessen over stoomsterilisatie op stoom: De Stoomdemonstratiekit Flag-nl-lgflag
here on the HEART Consultancy Website The Steam Educational / Demonstration Kit:
Build your own kit! With detailed parts list. Juice up your lectures on steam sterilization!
NVOX 2018-4 Een ongemakkelijke waarheid: de Wereld is niet overal hetzelfde Maarten Foeken Flag-nl-lgflag
Im Team.
May 2017; nr 33
Uzondu, eine starke Stimme fur Afrika.
Quantensprung für die Qualität in der Sterilsationsversorgung im St. Mary’s Children & Community Hospital in Umuowa/Nigeria
Forum PanAmericano
Second edition; 2017

Facing the standards gap; a steriliser for the rest of us

Normas aqui y alla: Un autoclava para el resto de nostotros

SVN-ParametricRelease201701-R56RapportageBrisbaneWFHSSJanHuijsOmslag_1240x1753 Parametric Release 2017-1 Nr 56. p14-15 Verslag Jan Huijs WFHSS Congres, Brisbane, Australia Flag-nl-lgflag
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Zentral Sterilisation
Central Service 2016-06
Sterilization departments of hospitals in Liberia perparing for the post-Ebola Challange Flag-uk-lgflag
d-aseptica2016-04articlejanhuijsrenovationsterilizationdeptsliberiamonroviaebolaenglish-cover Aseptica 2016-4 (Okt) Strategies to meet the post-Ebola challenge in Liberia Flag-uk-lgflag
d-aseptica2016-04articlejanhuijsrenovationsterilizationdeptsliberiamonroviaeboladeutsch-cover Aseptica 2016-4 (Okt) Post-Ebola Herausforderungen in Liberia Luanda Schlegl (translation to German) Flag-gm-lgflag
SVN-Parametric Release 201608-R55 Artikel: Voorbij De Ebolacrisis Jan Huijs Omslag Parametric Release
2016-8. Nr. 55
See Site Sterilisatievereniging Nederland SVN
Voorbij de Ebolacrisis.
Sterilisatieafdelingen van ziekenhuizen in Liberia bereiden zich voor
E-BarcelonaMatachana201610609MAGAZINE-No3-MATACHANA-June2016JanHuijsArticleAftermathEbolaEnglishCover Matachana Magazine 2016-3
See site Matachana
Aftermath of the Ebola crisis
Liberia Hospitals improving their sterile supply
E-BarcelonaMatachana201610609MAGAZINE-No3-MATACHANA-June2016JanHuijsArticleAftermathEbolaEspagnolCover Matachana Magazine
See site Matachana
Tras la crisis del Ebola
Los hospitales de Liberia estan mejorando el suministro de material  y equipos esteriles
E-BarcelonaMatachana201610609MAGAZINE-No3-MATACHANA-June2016JanHuijsArticleAftermathEbolaFrancaisCover Matachana Magazine 2016-3
Voir site Matachana
Suite à la crise d´ébola
Les hôpitaux de Liberia Améliorent l´approvisionnement de matériel et équipements stériles
Article: Zentral Sterilisation 2014-5 Cover Central Service/Zentral Sterilisation; 2014-5/ p347 Facing the standards gap; a steriliser for the rest of us Flag-uk-lgflag
Article: Zentral Sterilisation 2014-5 Cover Central Service/Zentral Sterilisation; 2014-5/p342 Normen Hier und Dort. Ein Autoklav fuer uns Andere. Flag-gm-lgflag
Artikel: SVN-Parametric Release 2013-06-R46 Omslag To Russia With Love  Paramatric Release-46/SVN; 2013-6/p7 Steriliseren op zijn Russisch Flag-nl-lgflag
Artikel: SVN Parametric Release 2013-03-R45 Omslag. WFHSS Japan Paramatric Release-45/SVN; 2013-3/p13 Reisverslag Jan Huijs: WFHSS in Osaka en boeklancering in Tokyo. Japan Flag-nl-lgflag
Artikel: SVN-ParametricRelease 2011-12-R41 Omslag Paramatric Release/SVN; 2011-12/ p22-23 Een kijkje in het leven van Jan Huijs Flag-nl-lgflag
Artikel: Steril 2010-2 Omslag Steril; 2010-2 DNA van de CSA Flag-nl-lgflag
Artikel: Steril 2010-1 Omslag Steril; 2010-1 Big Bang en Zwart Gat in de OK Flag-nl-lgflag
Artikel: Steril 2009-3 Omslag Steril; 2009-3 Vertrouwen in de Toekomst Tegen Beter Weten In Flag-nl-lgflag
Artikel: Steril 2009-2 Omslag Steril; 2009-2 Quantumsprong in Jordanië Flag-nl-lgflag
Artikel: Steril 2009-1 Omslag Steril; 2009-1 Russisch Roulette op de CSA Flag-nl-lgflag
Artikel: Steril 2008-2 Omslag Steril; 2008-2 Door regelgeving ontregeld Flag-nl-lgflag
Artikel: Steril 2008-1 Omslag Steril; 2008-1 Chauffeurs en CSA personeel Flag-nl-lgflag
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Central Service/Zentral Sterilisation; 2007/1 p19 Sterilization in Indonesia. Flag-uk-lgflag
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Central Service/Zentral Sterilisation; 2007/1 p7 Sterilisationsausbildung in Indonesien Flag-gm-lgflag
Zentral Sterilisation
2007-1 p8-p10
Formation sur la stérilisation en Indonésie Flag-fr-lgflag
Artikel: Steril 2007-3 Omslag Steril; 2007-3 Wat Vaker Genieten in Bad Flag-nl-lgflag
Artikel: Steril 2007-2-Omslag Steril; 2007-2 Aankondiging boek: Sterilisatie van Medische Hulpmiddelen Flag-nl-lgflag
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Steril; 2007-1 Samenwerking in Indonesië Flag-nl-lgflag
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Steril; 2006-3 Nachtmerries van Normen Flag-nl-lgflag
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Steril; 2006-2 De juiste Kwaliteit in de Juiste Context Flag-nl-lgflag
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Steril; 2006-1 Infectiepreventie in Zuid-Afrika Flag-nl-lgflag
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Steril; 2005-3 Geldverspilling? Flag-nl-lgflag
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Steril; 2005-2 Bowie and Dick Revisited Flag-nl-lgflag
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Steril; 2005-1 What’s in a Name? Flag-nl-lgflag
Article: Zentral Sterilisation 2003-5-Cover Sterilization Training Malawi Central Service/Zentral Sterilisation; 2003/11 p342-342-343 Implementation of courses for operators and engineers. Lilongwe Central Hospital, March 24-April 4 2003 P. Mwalilino Flag-uk-lgflag
Article: Zentral Sterilisation 2003-5-Cover Sterilization Training Malawi Central Service/Zentral Sterilisation; 2003/11 p339-341 Kurse fur Bediener und Techniker: Sterilisation von Medizinprodukte P. Mwalilino Flag-gm-lgflag
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Central Service/Zentral Sterilisation; 2002-6 (6), p 373-384 Optimalization of the process for a manually operated jacketed steam sterilizer B. Muis, ACP de Bruijn, A.W. Van Drongelen Flag-uk-lgflag
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Tropical Doctor; 1999-29; p224-p227 Drastic Performance Improvement of Hand-operated Sterilizers Flag-uk-lgflag

The Informer Vol 2 Nr 3 p17-18. Meditrax, UK Drastic Performance Improvement of Hand-Operated Sterilizers.
Book Announcement and Announcement of Moving to new Address
Memisa Medisch Nieuws. 1998-06 Drastic Improvement of Manually Operated Sterilizers at Hardly any Cost Flag-uk-lgflag
FSG Africa Health; 1993-3 Standards for Sterile Supply in Low income countries: In Search for an Appropriate Concept Flag-uk-lgflag


12-04-2016: Guest lecture at University of Wageningen: Facing the Standards Gap

Logo Wageningen University and Research centre

At the Wageningen University here in the Netherlands within the context of the study on Health and Society, the topic Global Health is presented.

For this topic Jan was invited to present on his experiences in the developing world with focus on the problems that are caused by the International Standards for technology in the healthcare system. Title of the lecture: Facing the standards gap. Using Sterilization as field of experience, he described a range of cases as he met in several African countries. With non-functioning sterilizers caused by non compatibility of standards with the local socio-economic reality. The main conclusion was that the majority of  standards are developed in a context of the industrialized world, where the infrastructure is available to meet the requirements as described in the standards. Of the African continent on 3 countries are member of the ISO technical commitee for sterilization. Thus specific problems met in these countries are not reflected anyin any way in the text of the standards. Thus there is a big gap between the reality in many countries and the reality that is assumed when implenting the standards as they have been formulated. A statistic of the amount of money available for health care per capita per year, as made available through the WHO, shows a clear factor in the reason behind the problem. Societies with less than 100 USD/per person per year as compared to the 1000 and more in the industrialied world clearly demonstrate the root of the problem. Transplanting technology developed in that context to a country where that infrastructure in not available is bound to fail. During the lecture guidelines were proposed for addressing the issue. It will be great challenge to handle this issue, that has enormous effects on the health of millions of people world wide.

2016: Member countries of CEN and ISO Technical Committees on sterilization. ISOTC198; CENTC192T; C204 Sterilization

2016: Member countries of CEN and ISO Technical Committees on sterilization. ISOTC198; CENTC192T; C204 Sterilization

The presentation can be viewed here.

The lecture as based on an article that was published in the scientific Journal Zentral Sterilization/Central Service: 2014-3; Facing the standards gap: a sterilizer for the rest of us.



Projects/Activities/CV. 2000-2009

Impression Year(s) Local/International Partner organization Financing oganization Project/Activities
2008-09-01. Cover of the French version of the book. Stérilisation des dispositifs médicaux par la vapeur. Realized and published through MHP Verlag, Germany. 2008 Flag-fr-lgflag
AFS Associacion Francaise de la Stérilisation, France
MHP-Verlag, Germany, 2008
Publication of book “Stérilisation des dispositifs médicaux à la vapeur d’eau. Volume 1 Aspects Théoriques”
RCA-BanguiStJoseph20091117FormationSterilisationTechniciensTestBD-KSGSuper_2016x1512  2009 Flag-ct-lgflag
Coordination Catholique National de la Sante (CoNaSan), Bangui, Central African Republic
MI Würzburg /KfW, Germany
Training on sterilisation of medical supplies for users and technicians for staff of health facilities of CoNaSan as well as Ministry of Health. Training presented in Bangui.
Central African Republic 2009-11-27 Bangui, CoNaSan. Training on PLAMAHS software  2009 Flag-ct-lgflag
Coordination Catholique National de la Sante (CoNaSan), Bangui, Central African Republic
MI Würzburg /KfW, Germany
Inventory of infrastructures and equipment in the health service under CoNaSan. Initial implementation for CoNaSan of software for Planning and Management of Assets in the Health Service (PLAMAHS)
BF-Ouagadougou CMA Bogodogo 20090806 Formation Sterilisation. Essaie Autoclave Raypa 1 2009 Flag-uv-lgflag
Ministère de la Santé /Programme d’Appui au Développement Sanitaire (PADS) Ouagadougou
Flag-uv-lgflagMinistère de la Santé/ Programme d’Appui au Développement Sanitaire (PADS) Ouagadougou Training on sterilisation of medical supplies for technicians. Training presented at the MoH General workshop in Ouagadougou
Jordan, Amman. 2009-05-26 Al Salt Al Hussein Hospital Training for technical staff 2008-2009 Flag-jo-lgflag
MoH, Amman, Jordan
Swiss Centre for International Health/SECO, Bern, Switzerland
Strengthening Hygiene & Laboratory Services in MOH Hospitals
Technical Assistance – CSSD. Training on sterilization of medical supplies for users; assistance on implementation of standards of a Quality Management System for sterilization departments in hospitals in Jordan.
GH-Eikwe Hospital 20080609 CSSD Steriliser KSG SteriTao3 Staff Training  2008 Flag-gh-lgflag
Martin de Porres Hospital, Eikwe, Eastern Region, Ghana
Flag-gm-lgflagMissions Aertzliches Institut Würzburg, Germany Installation and commissioning of second generation camshaft controlled semi automatic autoclave. Training of staff
BF-Ouagadougou Maternite Suka 20080521 Travaux Pratique SMI Mesure Temperature 2008 Flag-uv-lgflag
Ministère de la Santé  / Programme d’Appui au Développement Sanitaire (PADS) Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Flag-uv-lgflag Refresher training on sterilisation of medical supplies for technicians. Training presented at the MoH General workshop in Ouagadougou
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  2008 Flag-uv-lgflag
Ministère de la Santé  / Programme d’Appui au Développement Sanitaire (PADS) Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Inventory of infrastructures and equipment in the health service. Follow-up on Implementation of software for Planning and Management of Assets in the Health Service (PLAMAHS). Introduction to maintenance module. Evaluation of the past 2 years; data analysis.
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  2008 Flag-cm-lgflag
MoH, Cameroon
Flag-gm-lgflagEPOS/GTZ Training on sterilisation of medical supplies for users and technicians. 4 sessions. The courses were presented in English and French. Venues: Kumba District Hospital (English speaking) and Nkongsamba Provincial Hospital. (French speaking)
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 2008 Flag-ni-lgflag
CIPHEP Abuja, Nigeria
Flag-gm-lgflagBEGECA-MISEREOR Training of users and technicians on installation and repair of medical equipment (Autoclaves, Operating table, Operating light, Distilling equipment). The one-week courses took place at St. Gerard’s Hospital, Kaduna and Bishop Murray Medical Centre, Makurdi. The equipment was supplied to 22 health facilities throughout the north of Nigeria.
IL-Foto10WijnproevenTijdensCursusTuttnauerLR 2007 Flag-is-lgflag
Tuttnauer, Beit Shemesh, Israel
Presentation of training on sterilization for the sales team of Tuttnauer sterilizer manufacturer.
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 2007 Flag-sf-lgflag
University of Stellenbosch/Cape Town, South Africa
Presentation of the sterilization component of a post graduate course on Disinfection and Sterilization and of medical supplies. The course was directed to staff of CSSD and Infection Control nurses and micro-biologists of several hospitals in South Africa (12 day visit). See Travel Report
D-BerlinDRK20080624PLAMAHSDRKStartupScreenV5s3b3 2007 Flag-gm-lgflag
German Red Cross
Berlin, Germany
Adaptation of PLAMAHS software for procurement/logistical support for DRK. Implementing procurement and logistical support module.
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 2007 Flag-nl-lgflag
Interster, Wormerveer, The Netherlands
Publication of book “Sterilisatie van Medische Hulpmiddelen met Stoom, Deel 1 – Algemene Theorie” Revised version for Dutch speaking market
Attenmbua, Timor, Indonesia; 2006-12-15. Technicians servicing a solenoid valve of a table top sterilizer. 2006 Flag-id-lgflag
Ministry of Health Indonesia
Flag-gm-lgflagHospitalia Germany Training on sterilization of medical supplies. Course for users and technicians of 13 hospitals of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) province, Indonesia.
BU-OuagadougouDGIEM20080611PLAMAHSStartUpScreenV5s3b2Francais 2006 Flag-uv-lgflag
Ministère de la Santé/Programme d’Appui au Développement Sanitaire (PADS) Ouagadougou
Inventory of infrastructures and equipment in the health service. Follow-up on Implementation of software for Planning and Management of Assets in the Health Service (PLAMAHS). Adaptation of PLAMAHS software for cartographic analysis. Introduction to maintenance module. Data analysis. Refresher training.
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 2006-2007 Flag-gm-lgflag
German Red Cross/ Medical Mission Institute, Wurzburg
Compilation of tender documents for procurement of Emergency Response Unit – Referral hospital.
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 2006 Flag-mi-lgflag
Ministry of Health, Lilongwe, Malawi
KfW / Mediconsult
Review of PLAMAHS asset management software. Including optimization of the equipment maintenance module. Preparation of the software for the planned Public Private Partnership concerning medical equipment maintenance in Malawi.
RSA-StellenboschTygerbergHospital20050815CSSDDemonstrationSterilizerBDTestGroup 2005 Flag-sf-lgflag
University of Stellenbosch/Cape Town, South Africa
Training on sterilization of medical supplies. Courses for junior and senior technicians of the Ministry of Health
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 2005 Flag-uv-lgflag
Ministère de la Santé, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Flag-gm-lgflagGTZ/IP/Swiss Tropical Institute Training on sterilization of medical supplies. Courses for junior and senior technicians of the Ministry of Health
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  2005 Flag-uv-lgflag
Ministère de la Santé, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Flag-gm-lgflagGTZ/IP/Swiss Tropical Institute Training on sterilisation of medical supplies. Courses for techniciens of the DGIEM.
LAO-VientianeMoH20090215PLAMAHSStartupScreenLaoLanguage 2005 Flag-la-lgflag
MoH, Vientiane, Laos
Lux Development Inventory of infrastructures and equipment in the health service. Second phase of implementation of software for Planning and Management of Assets in the Health Service (PLAMAHS). Training of data collectors, users and system managers
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 2005 Flag-sg-lgflag
Ministère de la Santé et de Prévention. Senegal.
Euro Health Group/ Nordic Development Fund. Training on sterilisation of medical supplies. Courses for technicians and users. 3 sessions for technical staff. 1 session for users.
Vientiane, Laos 2005. Training on the use of the PLAMAHS asset management system for staff of the Lao Ministry of Health 2004 Flag-la-lgflag
MoH, Vientiane, Laos
Lux Development Inventory of infrastructures and equipment in the health service. First phase of implementation of software for Planning and Management of Assets in the Health Service (PLAMAHS). Adaptation of PLAMAHS software to Laos setting. Training of data collectors, users and system managers
2004 Flag-ug-lgflag
MoH, Kampala, Uganda
Group 5/ADF Rehabilitation of 32 Health centres, the national referral metal health facility and 6 regional Mental health facilities. Assistance in preparations of procurement lists and calculation of budgets using PLAMAHS software
2004 Flag-tu-lgflag
EFHSS Congress, Izmir, Turkey,
Specifications for sterilizers in health facilities with limited resources: Poster presentation on need for appropriate specifications for steam sterilizers
NL-RenkumHEARTConsultancy20040404BookSterilizationEnglishCoverEdition2 2004 Flag-nl-lgflag
HEART Consultancy
Publication of second revised edition of book “Sterilization of Medical Supplies by Steam, Volume 1 – General Theory
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 2003 Flag-uv-lgflag
Ministère de la Santé, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
GTZ/IP Maintenance/Swiss Tropical Institute.
Inventory of infrastructures and equipment in the health service. Implementation of software for Planning and Management of Assets in the Health Service (PLAMAHS). Adaptation of PLAMAHS software to Burkinabe setting; Translation to French. Training of data collectors, users and system managers and final analysis and reporting during 4 visits.
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 2003 Flag-mi-lgflag
MoH, Lilongwe, Malawi
Group 5/EU Physical Asset Management program: Presentation of courses for users and engineers on sterilization of medical supplies. One-week courses for key staff of operating theatres and CSSD and technical staff of the regional maintenance units.
B-BrusselsEFHSS20021010EducationalSectionByJanHuijsCleaningPage1Combined 2002 EFHSS, Belgium Creation of section for the educational part of the website of the European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply (EFHSS) ( Topic: Cleaning
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 2002 Flag-ug-lgflag
Joint Medical Store, Kampala, Uganda
MI Missions Ärztiches Institut, Würzburg, Germany
Training on the use of software for Planning and Management of Assets in the Health Service (PLAMAHS). One week course to staff of the Technical Services Department of JMS in Kampala, Uganda.
WAU-KampalaJMS20020301TrainingUsersSmallSterilizersTopViewWithJan 2002 Flag-ug-lgflag
Joint Medical Store, Kampala, Uganda
Missions Ärztiches Institut, Würzburg, Germany
Training programme for users and technicians of sterilization equipment.
NL-RenkumHEARTConsultancy20010204WebsiteHomePageV1 2001 HEART Consultancy/DigitalColour Launch of HEART Consultancy Website
EAT-MoshiIUP20010209TrainingSterilizationGroupPhotoGroup2 2001 Flag-tz-lgflag
Infusion Units Project, Moshi, Tanzania
Flag-gm-lgflagMissions Ärztiches Institut, Würzburg, Germany Training programme for users and technicians of sterilization equipment. Compilation of training materials, presentation of courses, assisting health facilities in repairs of equipment and advice on sterilization practices. The first set of courses two one-week courses was implemented in January 2001 in Moshi, Tanzania 2001. A second set of courses took place in February 2002 in Kampala, Uganda
NL-EindhovenTUWTB20010523FullersSterilizerWithWaterCooledCondensor 2001-2002 Flag-nl-lgflag
Technical University, Faculty Mechanical Engineering; thermodynamimics. Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Research on performance of pressure cooker type sterilizers: air removal; improvement of drying by condensor. (Fullers; All American)
NL-EindhovenTU20011101ResearchHotAirSterilizerOomsDeKokFullyLoadedElectroHeliosWithThermocouples 2001-2002 Flag-nl-lgflag
Technical University, Faculty Mechanical Engineering; thermodynamimics. Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Research on performance of hot air sterilizers. Recommendations.
Students: J. de Cock, P. Ooms, G. Samson


NL-Eindhoven TU WTB 20020901 Steriliser CAD Design Control Unit

2000-2004 Flag-nl-lgflag
Technical University, Faculty Mechanical Engineering; thermodynamimics, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Research and prototyping of improved design of appropriate sterilizer for the health services of low income countries. Focus on:
– adequate air removal,
– semi automatic, camshaft control
– drying by condensation of steam:
Water cooled and air cooled condensor.
The research was to result in a prototype sterilizer, ready for field testing and in a later stage a sterilizer suitable for larger scale production.
More than 100 students were involved.
On 06-07-2004 the prototype was sent to St John of God Hospital , Eikwe, Ghana
MWI-LilongweMoH20060314PLAMASStartupscreenV5s2b18 1998-2003 Flag-mi-lgflag
MoH, Lilongwe, Malawi
Group 5/EU
Physical Asset Management program (PAM). Involvement as associated consultant/software developer. Adapting the computerized Planning and Management System of Assets (PLAMAHS) to the requirements for Malawi. Analysis of data of all medical assets. Developing of equipment standards and tender documents. Development of maintenance component to be integrated into the system
SN-DakarHospitalDantec20000507CSSDSterizersWithContainersInFront 2000-2005 Flag-sg-lgflag
MoH, Dakar, Senegal
Euro Health Group, Copenhagen, Danmark Procurement of equipment and setting up of training programme in Hospital Hygiene for 22 hospitals and 225 health posts. Involvement as associated consultant in field of sterilization of medical supplies: Needs assessment, technical specifications, procurement and training of users and technical staff
SN-DakarMoH20040227PLAMAHSStartUpScreenSenegalDemo 2000-2005 Flag-sg-lgflag
MoH, Dakar, Senegal
Euro Health Group, Copenhagen, Danmark Adapting the PLAMAHS Asset management system for the procurement project of equipment for hygiene. Creation of French Version
1999-2000 Flag-ug-lgflag
MoH, Kampala, Uganda
Danida Health Infrastructure Division/Ministry of Health. Involvement as consultant/software developer. Adapting the computerized Planning and Management System of Assets (PLAMAHS) to the requirements for Uganda. Analysis of data of all medical assets. Developing of equipment standards and tender documents.