- TC-Nkongsamba Hospital 20080427 Course Sterilization Technicians Group Receiving the certificate of attendance
- Cameroon-Nkongsamba Provincial Hospital 20080426 Course Sterilization Technicians Fault finding on a Table Top: We found the fault: this solenoid valve!
- Cameroon-Nkongsamba Provincial Hospital 20080423 Course Sterilization Technicians Matachana: The Bowie and Dick test failed. Performing a test cycle in the autoclave: it failed the Bowie and Dick test due to an air-inleak into the chamber.
- Cameroon-Nkongsamba Provincial Hospital 20080419 Course Sterilization Users Webeco Failed Cycle due to poor air removal
- Cameroon-Nkongsamba Provincial Hospital 20080418 Course Sterilization. The indicator sheet fully changed colour. Happiness after a succesful Bowie and Dick test!
- Cameroon-Nkongsamba Provincial Hospital 20080417 Course Sterilization Users Matachana: A clearly white area in the test sheet: a failed cycle.
- Cameroon-Kumba Kumba District Hospital 20080411 Technicians Course Sterilization Repair Webeco Replace Gauge Glass
- Cameroon-Kumba Kumba District Hospital 20080411 Technicians Course Sterilization. Performing PPM on the Matachana autoclave: servicing water inlet valves
- Cameroon-Kumba Kumba District Hospitals 20080411 Technicians Course Sterilization Moment of happiness: receiving the certificate of attendense after an intense week of studying and working.
- Cameroon-Kumba Kumba DH 20080410 Technicians Course Sterilization Repair Webeco: Practical work during the technicians course: the contactor was broken down.
- Cameroon-Kumba Kumba District Hospital 20080409 Technicians Course Sterilization Working On Rodwell Autoclave
- Cameroon-Kumba Kumba District Hospital 20080409 Technicians Course Sterilization Cycle Matachana: getting familiar to the operation of the autoclave
- TC-Kumba Kumba District Hospital 20080407 Technicians Course Sterilization: Training on the physics of steam the the principle of the drying system of an autoclave. A demonstration kit consisting of a glass vessel, a thermometer, a pressure gauge and a hand pump is used to make it visible.
- Cameroon-Kumba Kumba District Hospital 20080403 User Course Sterilization Participants
- Cameroon-Kumba Kumba District Hospital 20080403 Course Sterilization Participants User training: Happiness after receiving the certificate
- Cameroon-Kumba Kumba District Hospital 20080402 User Course Sterilization: Checking the efficacy of cleaning an instrument using a fluorescent powder and a UV light.
- Cameroon-Kumba Kumba District Hospital 20080401 User Course Sterilization: practicing packaging techniques for packs to be sterilized. Here the parcel fold is made.
- Cameroon-Kumba Kumba District Hospital 20080401 Course Sterilization Users Practical Matachana: Getting familiar with the use of the autoclave