Article: Memisa Memisa 1998: Drastic performance improvement of manually operated sterilizers at hardly any cost

After the Ghana period, in 1998 Jan presented his first course on sterilization of medical supplies to students Biomedical Engineering in the Mombasa Technical School. During the course measurements in manually operated sterilisers was done, and recommendations were formulated in order to drastically improve the performance of manually operated sterilizers.

Article: Appleblad 1985: Lezers Schrijven: Ervaringen in Ghana met Apple //c, AppleWorks en MousePaint

In 1984 Jan bought his first computer: an Apple //c. Initially with a portable TV as Monitor. He bought it with Appleworks and Mousepaint as software. An Apple ImageWriter as printer. An impact model printer which proved to be extremely useful for printing stencils!
In this article Jan describes his early experiences with this amazing marvel of computing of its time!

Booklet: Introduction to Theory and Maintenance of Diesel Engines (Ghana 1987)

This text was made by Jan during his later years in Ghana (1986-1987). At the time much of the work was related to the maintaintence of Diesel power plants of the hospitals that HES was serving. The engines were mostly Lister Diesels. The models described in this book are similar to the HA and HR type of Lister Diesels. They were most commonly in use in our hospitals.
The book was fully written with his newly acquired (1984) Apple //c computer, using Apple Works for wordprocessing and MousePaint for making the drawings. Printing was done on a stencil by the Apple Imagewriter. These stencils were then used for duplicating. It resulted in a for that time amazing quality of the document!