Projects 2020 until Now

Impression Date / Year(s) Local/International Partner organization Financing Organization Project/Activities
26-01-2025 Wintervet 2025
Presentation on sterilization of medical supplies for an audience of Veterinarian doctors and paraveterinarian staff.
06-06-2023 until 28-01-2025 SteelcoBelimed, Italy

SteelcoBelimed, Italy

Publication of a special English SteelcoBelimed-edition of the book: Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization of Medical supplies. The book will be used within SteelcoBelimed in its SteelcoBelimed Academy and its clients. For more information on receiving a copy please contact your SteelcoBelimed representative.
07-11-2024 Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland SVN
SterilisatieVerenigingNederland SVN

Presentation during the annual SVN congress:
“Back to Basic: steriliseren als (bijna) alles wegvalt”. English: Providing sterile supply services in a situation that virtually everything has broken down.
24-10-2024 Steriltekniska Föreningen, Sweden

Steriltekniska Föreningen, Sweden

Presentation during annual congress: Sterildagarna 2-24 in Stockholm.
“Sterile supply in times of disaster, crisis and war”
02-09-2024 Flag-nl-lgflag Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland SVN Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland SVN

Publication of the 5th edition of the Dutch version of the book: Sterilisatie van Medische hulpmiddelen met Stoom. This edition is published through SVN, the Dutch Sterilization Association. Ordering of the book can be through the website of SVN.
25-11-2023; Flag-nl-lgflag Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland SVN During Annual Congress of SVN: Tribute to CSSD staff based on “Knockin on Heavens Dooor” 1 Verse and Chorus
25-11-2023; 09-01-2024 Flag-nl-lgflag
Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland SVN Annual Congress
Handing over of copyright of books and e-Learning to SVN (Sterilization Association of the Netherlands)
25-11-2023 Flag-nl-lgflag
Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland SVN  Annual Congress
Presentation on “The making of” of the book Sterilization of medical supplies by steam
25-11-2023 Flag-nl-lgflag
Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland SVN  Annual Congress
Presentation on  Training of staff of Sterilization department of 4 hospitals in Cameroon

8 May until 1 June 2023

Hôpital Protestant de Mbouo, Cameroon

Eglise Evangelique du Cameroun (EEC)

Paix et Santé

Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Hospital Partnerships

All in Germany

Training on sterilization of medical supplies of staff of 4 hospitals and students of the Université Evangelique du Cameroon.
A total of 65 participants attended the courses.
The facilities are located in the Ouest Region of Cameroon.
The training covered all steps of the sterile supply cycle and focused on optimizing and improving procedures and equipment as in use in the facilities. 

Matachana S.A, Barcelona, Spain
Matachana S.A.  Barcelona, Spain WFHSS Congress in Barcelona: Presentation of 3rd edition of the Spanish version of the book on sterilization. This edition was realized through intense collaboration with Matachana S.A. in Barcelona. It contains the new chapter on Packaging systems and updates on Legislation and standards. With special thanks to Mrs. Elena Lorenzo, who did most of the translation work!
4-11-2022 Flag-nl-lgflag
Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland SVN
Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland SVN SVN annual Congres. “Generatie 2.0”. Announcement of decision of transfer to the SVN of the content and management of the eLearning course Sterilisatie van Medische Hulpmiddelen. The material is based on Jan’s book, Sterilization of medical supplies by steam. (The transfer refers to the content of the Dutch version).
The eLearning programme on Sterile supply by Jan is authored on the educational platform  INERVO, which was developed by DTS (Digitale Training Systemen), Oisterwijk, The Netherlands

Steriltekniska Föreningen
.  Sweden
Steriltekniska Föreningen. Sterildagarna 2022 of the Steriltekniska Foereningen, Stockholm, Sweden. Presentations on
o Teaching aids
o The Standards gap.
Throughout the congress, the teaching aids were demonstrated in the tradeshow section of the venue. And finally could finally celebratie the  publication of the book (2021). We all came together during the great evening parties!
10-12-2021 Flag-nl-lgflag
mboRijnland, Leiden
  Guest lecture for students of training for CSSD staff. Topic “Facing the standards gap”; with focus on sterile supply
NL-Renkum HEART Consultancy 20211109 Book Sterilisation Jan Huijs Cover Latvian Nov-2021
Sterivita/IKSA, Infekciju Kontroles un Sterilizacijas Asociacija, Riga, Latvia
Sterivita/IKSA. Infekciju Kontroles un Sterilizacijas Asociacija, Riga, Latvia After 2 years of intense collaboration and translation work by Mr. Gundars Lacis, the manuscript of the Latvian version of the book on sterilization was finalized. Publication is due early 2022 through Sterivita/IKSA. The first contacts were made during the WFHSS Congress in The Hague 2019.
NL-Delft TU 20211125 Workshop Sustainable Surgical Instruments Dr Gnanaraj India Presenting 25-11-2021 Flag-nl-lgflag
TU Delft, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, department of Biomedical Engineering
  Attending a workshop on appropriate surgical instruments for use in Low and Middle Income Countries. Focus on feasibility for cleaning, disinfection and sterilization
Oct 2021 Flag-nl-lgflag
VUMC Amsterdam
MediaCollege Amsterdam
RDS School
RDS/HEART Consultancy Creating training videos for various procedures in the Central Sterile Supply department. The video material is to be included in the Inervo e-learning environment as was developed based on the book. Videos for first 5 procedures to be finalized by the end of 2021
June 2021 Flag-nl-lgflag
Van Straten Medical, De Meern
  One of the very few seminars on steam sterilization Jan could present during the Corona period. The number of participants had to be limited; the 1.5 metre distance guideline needed to be respected…
May 2021
Steriltekniska Föreningen
. Swedish translation by  Birte Nielsen Oskarsson of the Skånes Universitetssjukhus Malmö, Sweden
  Compiling and publication of the fully updated, first edition of the Swedish version of the book: Rengöring, desinfektion och sterilisering av medicintekniska produkter 1st edition
March 2021 Flag-nl-lgflag
Interster, Wormerveer, Nederland.
Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland SVN
  Compiling and publication of the fully updated, new edition of the Dutch version of the book: Sterilisatie van Medische Hulpmiddelen met Stoom. 4th edition
Nov 2020-spring 2021 Summa College Eindhoven, DTS; SVN Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland
  In Collaboration with DTS,  SummaColllege Eindhoven and SVN  we work on having the book Sterilisation of medical supplies by steam (Dutch version) entirely in the Inervo E-learning environment. Negotiations are taking place on assigning credits for the various modules.
 24-11-2020 Summa College Eindhoven, DTS; SVN Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland
Financed through income from revenues of the participants of the course Just before the second Corona lockdown, still a workshop for CSSD staff could be presented as final part of the blended learning refresher training of CSSD staff.
Oct 2020 Summa College Eindhoven, DTS; SVN Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland
Financed through income from revenues of the participants of the course In Collaboration with DTS and SummaColllege Eindhoven we launched the updated Dutch refresher E-Learning course for Staff of CSSD: Bijscholing voor sterilisatiemedewerkers. The course follows Jan’s book. The current version covers the chapters 1-8 and chapter 10. The course is hosted by the Summa College. The course content is in Dutch. Information on getting acces to the course and cost please contact Summa college for MSMH Course information.

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