HEART Consultancy is a specialized consulting agency in the field of sterilization of medical supplies. The second area of expertise is planning and management of physical assets in the health sector. HEART Consultacy is focusing on the health services in low-income countries.
Jan Huijs has a great number of years of experience in the field in a wide range of countries on the Sub-Saharan African continent. Also projects in several countries in Asia and the Middle East were done. This map shows the countries were courses on sterile supply were presented.
Through this experience Jan can offer advice in the various aspects related to sterilization of medical supplies and the planning and management of assets, appropriate to the needs of health institutions in low-income countries. The activities include consultancies, field studies, publications, training and software development. The emphasis of his activities are related to
● Sterilization of Medical Supplies
Training of staff
Creation of training material related to sterile supply
Assisting in the installation, commissioning, repair and maintenance of sterilization equipment
Consultancy/assessment/field visits
Publications; presentations
● Planning and management of assets within the health sector; with focus on low-income countries
In the past, HEART consultancy has been involved in a range of activities in relation to planning and management of asses within the health sector.
However since 2015 the focus has been on sterilization of medical supplies.
Jan Huijs: initiator and owner of HEART Consultancy
Jan Huijs, initiator and owner of HEART Consultancy, is based in the Netherlands. After working as a medical equipment engineer in Ghana, Africa for 7 years in the 1980’s he started HEART Consultancy, a consulting agency focusing on sterilisation of medical supplies and asset management for health facilities, focusing on the health services in the developing world. He presents training for users as well as technicians on sterilization of medical supplies in mainly developing countries since 1997. He is author of the book “Sterilization of medical supplies by steam” which now has been translated into 9 languages. He has been doing research on sterilization of medical supplies in remote areas.
Since 2014 he is honorary member of SVN: Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland, (Dutch Sterilization Association).
Logo of HEART Consultancy
HEART is an acronym for Healthcare through Appropriate and Reliable Technology. In the logo is a turtle with a heart. Jan is married to Yoko Watanuki, from Kyushu, Japan (1988, in Donyina, Ghana!). In Japanese culture the turtle is a symbol for happines and long life. The turtle is slow but it ultimately it will reach its goal. In many projects, also in the developing world are confined to stringent time and budgetary constraints. So often we see that when the project period is over the project support has to be abandoned. In many cases the time frame for projects is very short, not feasible for well handing over the and sustaining the activities on the long term. In the projects we are involved in we are trying to provide the time required to perform an adequate job. This for example includes proposals for adequate training when equipment is procured and to considere the local situation with often specific requirements when making choices. The heart in the turtle symbolizes the agency’s name but more important it symbolizes the intention with which it wants to perform its activities: with full heart and soul!